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대한흉부종양외과학회 KATSO


19차 정례학술회 프로그램

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 7,767회 작성일 13-05-14 00:00

Date May 31st, 2013

Venue Salon 2, 3, 4 (1F) Park Hyatt Busan


12:30-1:00 Registration   Main
Speaker Moderator
1:00-1:10 Opening
TBD 흉종(TBD)    
1:10-1:55  Luncheon
US Experience on New Technology for VATS   Dr. Miller TBD
Science of Tissue Management - Thoracic   Dr. Shastri TBD
1:55-2:00        Quick vote &
Live Voting I - Use Interactive key pad that captures feedback live.      
What does "Stability"(or Powered Stapling Technology) mean to thoracic surgeons in tissue resection???    
- Less trauma to tissue or vital structures, ie. PA, PV      
- Better control of device by surgeon      
- Ease of use/Ease of Firing      
- Even staple line      
- Better hemostasis      
- Better staple formation on lung parenchyma      
2:00-4:20            5min intro   "Meet The Experts" - Part I Experts Session 흉종(TBD)   TBD
Objective and Introduction of Panelist (TAB+Dr. Miller as panelist)      
Pan Asia Experience - Trends in Disease and Treatments      
Experts share VATS experience and insights for future trend in thoracic disease management      
20 min PT, 10min Q&A Dr. Ng SH Calvin from Prince of Wales hospital- VATS single port experience   Hong Kong  
20 min PT, 10min Q&A Dr. Mun from Cancer Institute Hospital in Tokyo - VATS Experience of Cancer Institute Hospital   Japan  
20 min PT, 10min Q&A Dr. Kang Chang Hyun of SNUH (Korea) - Korea VATS Experience   Korea  
20 min PT, 10min Q&A Dr. Chen Keneng (Beijing University, China) - VATS Experience of Peking University Cancer Hospital? China  
Quick vote & summary   Live Voting II      
Is VATS Segmentectomy next frontier of VATS for Carcinoma In Situ??      
- Yes or No      
4:00-4:20 Break Coffee Break      
4:20-6:00   "Meet The Experts" - Part II Young Surgeon Session      
4:20-4:25        Intro Case Presentation by Young Surgeons on "How I manage difficult cases"      
  Coaching/Feedback from VATS Experts from AP (TAB+ Dr. Miller as panelist)      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Korea (TBD) - To be assigned by 흉종      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Korea (TBD) - To be assigned by 흉종      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Korea (TBD) - To be assigned by 흉종      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Korea (TBD) - To be assigned by 흉종      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Hong Kong      
10 min PT, 5 min Q&A Surgeon from Taiwan      
5:45-5:50   Quick vote &
Live Voting III      
Which procedure step is most important for young surgeons to be trained on?      
- Access, Mobilize Lung, Vessel Dissection/Resection, Lung Resection, Bronchus Resection, Specimen Retrieval, Wound closure  
5:50-6:00 Closing &
Paper Survey on Training Needs for Young Surgeons      
6:30-7:00 Cocktail
7:00-9:00 Group


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